Wednesday 17 August 2016


"Kudos to that all-round effective man
Acting as both the head & breadwinner

Standing as the pillar of the Family
His elongated absence; causing heartache.

The father with a dazzling smile
Elegant with an appealing feature
The one with a beautiful heart
Radiation of authority compassed round him.

The one occupying the post of our first love
Impacting God's commandment & Will in us
Ensuring we have a high moral principle
And inculcating a sense of responsibility in us.

The one who robs himself of sleep
All in the bid to pray for the family
To ensure they attain the greatness stairs
And have their potentials exploited.

Developing the attitude of rising early
In preparation to provide bread daily
Guiding the home and guarding the doors
Taking the whole responsibility around.

A pretender can be said to be his other name
Outward appearance contrasting his feelings
Raging on the outside but loving inwardly
His aggressive nature only being a pretence.

At the sight of him, siblings and i quiver
Taking to his instructions after declining others'
Rightly trusting in all his directions
Solemn fatherly advice like non ever.

The man whose descriptions fit into these;
Deserves an overwhelming applause
After being approved of God and man
Lots of reward from the children"

Becca's work ☝🏻



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