Monday 18 July 2016

Blood for blooe EPISODE 6-10

***********Episode 7*********
As I still grappled with the lifeless body of the cultist whose life I had just snuffed
out….i heard a couple more advancing footsteps,dry leaves and twigs snapping sounds grew louder as I hid the body preparing for another assault on these as I had termed them,”intruders”.Judging from the bodies of the guy I had stunned earlier with my jabs and the lifeless body at my feet.i could only make a simple conclusion,these boys were not just a rag-tag group of mummy’s boys throwing a parade.They were hunky death machines but I had the advantage of speed in addition to my well toned muscular physique courtesy of long hours at the gym…I was crouching now as two more of them crashed through the shrubbery least expecting to find their target crouching and patiently waiting to launch a deadly assault.As quick as lightening,i threw sand at both their eyes,jumping really high,i planted both of my feet on the first guy’s chest,he fell backward hitting his head hard on a tree trunk,not waiting to find out if he was passed out or not.i jumped on the other guy and s-------d him just like I did with the dead guy…As soon as I curled my arms around his neck….leaves rustled directly above my head….i hadn’t anticipated another one of them this soon.”gbiim” he hit me point blank on the face with the butt of his rifle…..i staggered up,blood poured from my nose,”gbiim”yet another head butt from the guy whose neck I had nearly snapped a few seconds ago….i fell to the ground and everything went black



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