Saturday 28 May 2016



The Senate meeting commenced at exactly 1:00pm; with the opening prayer taken by
the host senator Com. Afolabi Ibrahim (I.B.),
the national anthem was taken followed by the Aluta anthem which was led by Com. Dotun Opaleye AKA ZAMORA, the Nans Ogun JCC chairman, after which norminations were made for the communiqué drafting committee Com. Shofoyede Adeniyi. A. the O.O.U. president nominated Adedamola Quadri from FUNNAB, Com. ISreal Adediran A. Senator representing OSCCA nominated Com. Okereafor Bestman. G. from U.I. (FCE Abeokuta campus), the Nans chairman nominated Com. Olasunkumi from FUNNAB.

Ogun Nans chairman address
State of Nans Ogun JCC
State of education in Ogun State
State of Ogun campuses
Capitation due
Analysis of the government’s 1 year in office

Nans Nat convention
The chairman gave a vivid account of his emergence into office in September, 2015, he further appreciated the host Senator Com. Afolabi Ibrahim for the warm acceptance; he promised the senate meetings will now be often.
THE STATE OF NANS: Nans Ogun leadership 2015/2016 is tagged ideological rebirth, and the leadership started its rebirth via the creation of (SUEMT) student Union Election Monitoring Team headed by the Dir. of special duties Com. Oladimeji Uttiman. The team has succeeded in monitoring students union elections in FUNNAB, Gateway Polytechnic Sapade, also ensured justice in (FCE Osiele SUG elections.
Nans Ogun has also agitated for health upgrading of FUNNAAB medical centre, sequel to the death of a compatriot ATERE MARIA

In AAP Nans pleaded for the reduction of a damage fee of 10, 000 to 5, 000.
November 30th, 2015 DSA ICT Poly protest over the killing of a student by reckless driver. Nans called for an over head bridge and an upgrade in medical facilities in DS ICT poly.

MAPOLY: Mapoly is facing its present challenges because of the previous administration. 7 Million embezzlement allegation; Nans pleaded for a caretaker committee pending when an election will be conducted.

STATE OF CAMPUSES: Senator Shofoyeke Adeniyi (OOU) said his leadership in OOU has been trying to resolve its issues independently since his emergence, he said there had been peaceful co-existence between one another. He further said his leadership has embarked on a students/management interactive session, he said Ayetoro campus, Ibogun campus had been visited, he gave kudos to the Nans chairman for his prompt response to issues, he said OOU is cool and calm.
Com. Agboola Yusuf senator representing D. S. Adegbenro ICT Poly said they are good and progressing the senator said they led a 6 hours protest without stone throwing, the protest which led to the removal of the school’s rector. He said the school is cool and calm.
She spoke of his leaderships major projects while one construction of concrete sitting and business venture, he however complained of a low number of students intake and no financier.
Com. Adediran Israel OSCCA senator said the school’s SUG week is next month, the school was established 25 years ago yet no improvement, he lamented and spoke of his intention to lead a protest against the commissioner for community developments and co-operatives for the neglect of the school.

Com. Afolabi Ibrahim senator FCE Abeokuta spoke about his emergence in January 7, 2016, and FCE have no difficulties at all interns of relative peace and tranquility but spoke of the challenge of funds as the management has made SUG dues voluntary, but the management and students are good.
Com. Dairo Ibrahim senator representing Tasce constituency lamented bitterly on the neglect of the school by the government by owing staffs and lecturers 13 month salary. he said the government has scrapped the school’s COEASU thereby rendering staffs toothless, He further said Governor Amosun is simply giving TASCE a political punishment, he said series of protest notification letter has been written but the provost Dr Abiodun Ojo the oldest serving provost in Ogun State who bought his way through for tenure elongation via the former commissioner for education Barr. Segun Odubela, keeps killing the moral; he said lecturers have no money to come to school he said lecturer now come to school once a while; he said Nans should come to his aid.
The caretaker committee MAPLOY said, MAPLOY is good and fine, he said he appreciate Nans efforts and said his school is simply 8/10.
Com. Akinwale Seun OSCOtech senator said ilese very cool and calm and planning to hold an Sug election by July.
Com. Aje Amidu, the Tasued senator said Tasued is cool and fine, no problems at all, and also announced the completion of his final paper in school
The OOU SUG president said lots of school are already loosing accreditation because there are not been development in schools. He said the current state government has not been paying subvention to schools.
The NANS chairman said how we can have a banker as a commissioner for education? The senators immediately unanimously passed a vote of no confidence on the commissioner for education Mrs. Modupe Mojota; for gross incompetency. The senator representing OOU said what has the government been doing with the 20% annual budget allocation to education in the state? when there are no new project on campus, no good medical facilities, no offices of the principal general this the senate said must be return as it plays a vital role.
The oscotech senator said action must be taken on the decay in education and not mere words;
The Ds Adegbenro ICT poly senator said the union had been glamouring for speed breakers since November last year, this the governor promised to do but they are yet to see anything.
The NANS chairman said education in Ogun state has been retrogressing and the locations of the model school are not favorable.
The OOU senator pointed out that the model schools were only commissioned and not yet opened, stating that the location the location are to bad and the millions spent on model schools ought to have been spent on the rehabilitation of existing ones. The leadership also ensured the inauguration of the Police students relation forum
The senate unanimously agreed to support a solidarity protest by NANS Ogun, on the issue of Tasce.
NANS congratulates our very own leader per excellence and capacity Prof. Biodun Ogunyemi of OOU on his emergence as the ASUU NAT president.
NANS also congratulate Tasued president on his successful completion of his final paper.
The house unanimously agreed that this year’s democracy day be tagged A Black Sunday; an avenue to make our grievances known to the government, all students is expected to be dressed in black.
The Igbesa road is a death trap and NANS is calling on the government to fulfill its electoral promise to the Igbesa community by fixing up the road.
The senate complained of the poor state of electricity in the state and country.
An observer Com. Joel from mapoly said NANS should ensure a credible election is conducted in mapoly.
Senator Shofoyede Adeniyi. A. OOU
Senator Agboola .Yusuf .O. DS. Adegbenro ICT Poly
Senator Adediran. Isreal .O. Osca Ijeja
Senator Dairo Ibrahim, Tasce
Senator Afolabi Ibrahim FCE Osiele
Senator Akinwande Seun Oscotech Ilese
Senator Aje Amidu .O. Tasued
Senator Yussofat of Mapoly spoke via phone and represented by Com. Joel.
The senate meeting was declared closed by the NANS chairman at exactly 04:02 pm. with a closing prayer by com. Temitope Adeoye of FCE.
Chairman Communiqué Draft


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