Sunday 29 May 2016


Some date are very significant in the hearts of people. For example, no American will ever forget September 11, 2001, no
Ghanaian will ever forget March 6th, 1957, just as no Brazilian will ever forget June 29, 1958, in the same mode, May 29th strikes a chord in the heart of every patriotic Nigerian, you know why? Because 29th May,1999 marked an end to autocracy and tyranny in Nigeria, it spelled a New dawn for Nigerians both at home and in the diaspora.
Democracy Day is a public holiday in Nigeria . It is held annually on May 29 . This public holiday commemorates the restoration of democracy in the Federal Republic of Nigeria , when the newly elected (Olusegun Obasanjo) took office as the President of Nigeria in May 1999 ending multiple decades of military rule that began in 1966 and had been interrupted only by a brief period of democracy from 1979 to 1983.
Is there hope?
Of course, this date is one that is memorable to Nigerians because we honestly hope that if Nigeria could be saved from the clutches of tyranny and military rule, then we will be delivered from corruption, insecurity, instability problems that we are currently faced with. Nigeria might not be where it ought to be but the truth is Nigeria isn't where it used to be. Over the years we have seen different people at the helm of affairs with a unified motive of building 'Project Nigeria'. Today also marks one year of the President Muhammadu Buhari led administration in office.
It is, therefore, germane that the present administration takes another look at the campaign promises it made to Nigerians before the 2015 General Election; promises on which wings the party rode to power, and seek to fulfill them. In politics, promises are covenants; the electorate has kept its part by voting the party into power, it is now the duty of the party in power to satisfy its own part of the bargain.
One year after coming to power, it is time for the APC to stop blaming its failure to fulfill its obligations on the past administration. A government that cannot chart a course for itself within one year and use that platform to fulfill its promises to the people has only itself to blame. Therefore, while we celebrate 17 years of uninterrupted democracy and one year of President Muham­madu Buhari in office, and while we urge Nigerians to keep exercising patience, The Authority calls on the government to wake up and accomplish its statutory obligations to the people.
If it fails to shape up now, the Buhari administration might discover, to everybody’s chagrin, that the next 12 months might be a bridge too far.
We Nigeria experience another paradigm shift? Yes.
Will it come soon? Only time will tell.

National Association of University Student (NAUS) Campus Monitoring Committee Ogun State Axis wishes us "HAPPY DEMOCRACY DAY"

NAUS Ogun Axis coordinator

Deputy Coordinator

General Secretary


Special Adviser on Media and Publicity



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