Wednesday 13 April 2016


The joy of serving people/society to reflect good positive change made me to leave my home and families as if water was thicker than blood to fulfill all pledge of the oath of my office to defend NAAS with all my best and those best I can lend in terms of Ideas and good innovation to fulfill one of my favorite words tagged Making NAAS better.

I can remember vividly I said that
“This mandate if given unto me would be guided with an unalloyed service, dedication, and sincerity.”
This mandate is as a result of your trust in my ability to deliver and in the maxim ''A great thing we can achieve all together''
I promised to run a NAASITE oriented programmes.
If elected I promised consultation would not stop, and I also intend to coordinate the realistic manifestoes of my colleagues in the NAAS executive for harmonized implementation. I believe in collective responsibility ''
Consultation has never stopped and we are still making more as this administration is concerned.
We had several consultation with some SRA MEMBER,
HOC(s), our religious body, NAASites and various administrative offices to give NAAS it right footings in and outside this institution.
Programmes from KAY led NAAS 15/16

It is projected to accommodate 72 students @ a go for every 5min in 9hours in an open environment making 3240 students/day.
College Concrete chairs
To give each of this college a sense of priority and avoid loitering around our colleges and sitting of student on stones or resting on college poles.
Data Analysis training for all NAASite
To enhance every NAASite opportunity of self-human self-development in statistical knowledge as we are all aware that all students irrespective of their levels are expected to analize area of their Data formulation, calculation and analysis of field Data. .
This is going save NAAS more cost from consulting an expert in that field & also going to be an additional knowledge source for them to use the knowledge  that is expected to be acquired from the seminar to assist students in the area of generating revenue and Knowledge base for self-development.

Intervarsity Debate
Going globally by adding value to our institution and to our chapter and making a renowned recognition and exposure of the First varsity of agriculture in Nigeria in term human resource development. This will make the world at large appreciate what we have as a centre of excellence in terms of our best brains, creativity, skills, aesthetic environment, and to deliberate on better policy formulation for the government as a sector and as well as the pillar of sustenance of this Nation's economy as an agriculturist.
NAAS Scholarship Scheme
This is a new scheme/initiative to encourage human capacity development and students healthy academic competitions to get better grades and also make them develop more interest in their field of study.
It is made to appreciate the best students from each departments within our jurisdiction with the best result for 100-500 level for 1st semester only. It comes with a good token to appreciate, celebrate academic merit and excellence.
NAAS Appraisal Scheme.
This is also a new scheme where every effort be it from the area of discharge of various responsibility as head of our various unit will be appreciated with certificate of recognition of service by adding value to the fact that acting more responsible pays and its rewarding which by so doing add value to our norms and custom of human engagement in social/cooperate functions.
It’s for all our HOC from 100-500 Level.
Comprehensive Tutorial for 100 & 200 level student.
Nothing makes us more happy than been part of yours success right here.
We have decided towards having a full comprehensive tutorials for 100 and 200 level student to enhance their chance in the area of our basic primary assignment as a student.
The tutorial is going to focus majorly on those courses been considered to be tough to understand and comprehend.
Gender balanced sporting event from NAAS CUP, cycling, skipping for ladies, other indoor games and the likes.
NAAS welcome Boards
To make our presence to be well known to both visitor and members of this university community that we exist in here and make them know what NAAS stands for in terms of acronyms, aims, objectives and composition.
Colourful quality Souvenirs
For all our partners in progress i.e. Financial member it our desire in this time to make available to you quality type souvenirs and eradicate the usual norms that you pay dues and you don't get the souvenir my team has deviced that souvenir will be given to every due payer on commencement of 2nd semester to solve all unnecessary bane NAASites find themselves in this quarter.
NAAS week
This is scheduled to be in second semester which is going to cover the symposia, empowerment in skill acquisition all for NAASite
Other programmmes include NAAS Orientation, and NAAS TAG for our freshmen. NAAS Magazine, NAAS DINNER and the likes
This should answer the question Why do you pay NAAS due to KAY led NAAS 15/16 administration?
Administrative role I am guided by the code of conduct for this team 15/16 which lay emphasis on proper documentation and conscious mind in appropriation of funds on programmes that will benefit the entire populace of NAAS.
Eradicating wastage production by imbibing the act of good legacy approach to some of our required commodity for General Use at all session.

My Pains
Education has made it easy to rule man and it has made it difficult to enslave man.
It’s not the position that make a man but the reverse is the case. I and my office has been totally humiliated and abused by NRC just because I stand to defend the rights of over 7000 students in making adequate provisions that are necessary to ensure that their needs are catered for in the area of capital and academic projects that’s expected to benefit the populace of this noble association. They deem it good to scrape them and leave that to talk about their allowance and some good but not beneficial necessity of what the funds is to be used for.
This is clear that if we fail to ensure Meritocracy as the guideline, benchmark and hall mark in all organization then Mediocriticracy we make the better jest and enslave our intellectual properties and our society. I made them to understand that any intellectual pursuit which has no bearing to the welfare of a society is fake and counterfeit.
I am saying this so that FUNAABite/NAASite can still believe in our administration and to emphasize that not all elected officers in office is interested in misappropriating their funds. I want them to understand not every of our leaders are bad as they are painted.
I care for every due payer because they are partners in progress and they should not be disenfranchised of the necessary things that is expected to be accorded to them as their right and privileges.
FUNAABites, NAASites it is high time we start getting things right. I am saying that every due payer deserves a proper welfarism.
If we don't get it right now in NAAS FUNAAB.
We can get it right later in NIGERIA.
I have done everything within my ability not to let NAASites down ranging from my personal financial commitment from my campaign period to this present moment, sponsoring of some events/programmes to, paying my dues even before my school fees, my time and other human resources to give this association a face lift from what has been the usual to what is expected to be in terms of good epitome.
Nevertheless, all i get in return was sleepless night, frustrating passage of budget, humiliation and abuse to my person and office of the President, blackmails, propaganda and back biting.
It’s not surprising that I have been painted in a colour to make me look like a tyranny, money driven individual sharing politicks, and one who don't respect the constitution even when I was told in the floor of the house that "we shouldn't follow the constitution word for word"
I am aware my best might not be enough even at the expense of my sacrifice to have peace at all quarters. I remember vividly in my acceptance speech that I am not here to solve all problems but to contribute my own quota toward the development of this association in the areas of human and physical infrastructural development.
At this juncture I want posterity to judge me and hold today in retrospect in the book of times that I mean well to alleviate and not aggravate our presence state been mindful of the economic situation of this country.

My crimes
Before you experience a storm comes a tidal wave says a maxim.
It started  when I made my NAAS due payment and the rest of the entire populace  that I really mean business and I made my team, NRC and NAASite to understand that the era of wastage of funds will not be tolerated and also made them to be aware that I am here for business not for funds. And I made it clear and cut that am not interested in taking allowance and probably if there will be one it should be re-invested to adding value to every NAASite.
 I have submitted all this into the budget of this academic year and let me say categorically that justice to this lies in each of our department representative at the hollow chamber of NAAS.
I have done my best to get you to be informed and not to be deformed that I and my team have been working assiduously to make NAAS BETTER.
The future/destiny of this association lies in every NAASite to ensure that this people oriented programmes see the light of the day and it’s what we can do to add value to this noble association.
Fellow NAASites this is the Era of Collective Responsibility and I and my team have done some of our duty to ensure you are carried along in all our business and we have decided that only NAASites can make NAAS better.
My fellow NAASites let cultivate the habit of asking questions but before asking such let make sure we are asking the right question and asking the right person.
I and my team members have done some of our duties and we shall continue to do more to ensure that you are carried along in all our business and programmes for the sake of transparency, accountability and integrity sake.
I and my TEAM have agreed to constitute committees for all our businesses and programmes and am quite sure that by so doing NAAS is going to get it right and make better use of our human resources.
OsheeKAY is the Nick and these are my team mate
In all your dealings get knowledge and get wisdom don't forget to get it right too.
I love my team
I love NAAS (my home)
Do you really care like I care?
Com. Ogundiya Kayode
21st March, 2016.


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